In the end, we found out that Mspoh was absent from school and so Leona left (after much screaming/kicking at me. mutual :D)
The Judging or screening itself was horrible. Those two teachers gave us screwed up faces and seemed as though they hated ours, until they started giving comments and suggestions. At least MsKhoo wasn't that bad, Mdm last-letter-of-the-alphabet was like her usual self.
"Wait, so you mean you're baring your chests at the audiences?" was a SERIOUS LOL MOMENT. our cheer is actually something to LOL at okay, especially the first part hahaha :D Lets just hope we'll get in ^_^
Walked home with Annia, minle, yuheng and their classmate pc. I guess we were just going to same direction haha.
So the rest are actually at Siyun's home right now. I don't know what to say, it feels as though I'm isolated from the world recently. Haven't been talking much to them, just the usual screaming/poking with my classmates and empty talks. Fun, yes, not to say I don't enjoy them, I do, but my image is slowly slipping away because my soul always gets lost in these crazy moments. I wrote to Ngik "its better to have just a FEW close friends than MANY friends", but hey, now what. Me?
Sometimes I wonder, do people really think I'm just another one of those childish scream-their-head-off-and-do-nothing-else girls, or someone who can actually think. Because I've got a few different random (and not so random) comments from friends, and they SERIOUSLY contradict each other. Like; Emma, you're so childish! vs. Emma is a deep and matured thinker. Hmm..
Needless to say, the teachers are still disappointed in me. "emma, please buck up", "emma, why are you always so tired?", "emma, there's not much time left!" Maybe they've given up on me. Regarding maths, i really AM working hard on it, Mr hamdan. I'll try for Bio Geog and Hist and SS but chem........please pass me a bucket, RIGHT NOW.
Yeah, so I've actually began to realise the importance of starting early. I always have, but wasn't able to concentrate, till now. I want to shock others with my results man. I have ALWAYS known the importance of studying hard and what my future would be like. So where's the motivation...?
Anyway, we had to write our testimonails today, Leongying wrote some personal qualities down for me, which I really appreciate. Somehow they're like motivators, or those are qualities I always hoped to have ^_^ All of yours are true too :D
I fell asleep during the chinese test again today. Miraculously did fine for my yanyu today even though my tired mind got me into a sleepy mood yesterday so yup, no studying. Cramping stuff, or just briefly reading through the words works much better than mugging late into the night. Just...don't fall asleep like I did.
FTS will usually end when the moon's shining brightly amongst those twinkling stars. I'll drag my feet across the floor, bathe and drop dead on that lone pillow. No blankets, no toys, nothing.
my dinner. along with three scrambled eggs drowned in tomato sauce and basil leaves.
My present to Ngikhiong (yesterday).
The card says "I'll let you be taller than me on your special day. But that's cause you're standing on a step able me HAHAHA" alright, I shan't be mean. It was drawn during bio period LOL.
My writing skills are getting from bad to worse. What next?
Who else can control my emotions? ^_^
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